
Reading Room services

Reading Room services

Each reading room provides reading opportunities with space for 500 readers.

  • The second floor of the library consists of a reading room and bookshelves. This floor has books in two schools: Social Sciences and Business.
  • The third floor of the library is a reading room equipped with bookshelves for the purpose of reading. This floor contains books in the two schools such as Applied Sciences and Physical Sciences

In addition, the SUST Central Library has facilities that provide readers with a reference room, a teacher's reading room and a Muktijodda corner. 

Reading Room Guidelines:

  • Personal books and other belongings should be kept in the Property Counter (at the entrance) against Token.
  • Take the necessary books from the book shelf to the reading room and keep the book on the trolley/reading table after use. Library staff will pick it up and shelve.
  • Do not gossip or otherwise make a noise in the Reading Room, Corridor or any other place of the Library.
  • Do not use mobile phone in the Reading Room Corridor or any other place of the Library.
  • Do not take any kind of food in the Reading Room.
  • Do not make unpleasant behavior to any library personnel.